Tone control circuits have been passed for the first time by digital system tone control design, which has been passed on for the first time. Thus, mechanically constructed magnetic gradients are transferred to the digital medium.

The circuit is built entirely in modular construction. Musical enstruments is mounted on the boat (similar to the eccentric ecolator).


HzN Tsw-01 Equalizer Type FEATURES

  • Instead of tone selector switches, the magnetic tone selection is made digitally.
  • With two potentiometers (EŞİK-SAP) tone selections can be made independently.
  • Tone transitions are smooth and fast.
  • 36 ton combinations were used. Additional toning is provided with the ability to turn off the threshold or handle magnets.
  • The selected tone can be tracked through 2 7-way displays.
  • A system-specific, low-noise preamplifier circuit is integrated.
  • If desired, the pre-amplifier can be switched on (middle switch), if desired direct magnetic outputs can be taken.
  • A preanneum integrated Bass and Treble potentiometer was added. With these two potentiometers active bass-treble control is possible.